Where is Windsor Locks located?
Q: Where is Windsor Locks located?
A: Windsor Locks is located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States.
Q: How many people were recorded to be living in Windsor Locks as of 2019?
A: According to the 2019 census, there were 12,854 people living in Windsor Locks.
Q: Are there any airports located in Windsor Locks?
A: Yes, Bradley International Airport is located in Windsor Locks.
Q: What is New England Air Museum and where is it situated?
A: New England Air Museum is situated in Windsor Locks, Connecticut.
Q: Is Windsor Locks located close to a river?
A: Yes, Windsor Locks is situated beside the Connecticut River.
Q: What is the significance of Windsor Locks being situated near Bradley International Airport?
A: The significance of Windsor Locks being near Bradley International Airport is that it becomes easier for people to travel to and from the town as there's an airport nearby.
Q: What kind of place is Windsor Locks known for?
A: Windsor Locks is known for being a town located in Hartford County, Connecticut, United States, which has an airport and is situated beside the Connecticut River. It is also famous for hosting the New England Air Museum.