Where is Windom, Minnesota located?

Q: Where is Windom, Minnesota located?

A: Windom, Minnesota is located in Cottonwood County, Minnesota, United States.

Q: What was the population of Windom, Minnesota in 2010 census?

A: According to the 2010 census, the population of Windom, Minnesota was 4,646.

Q: What is the county seat of Cottonwood County?

A: Windom is the county seat of Cottonwood County.

Q: What is the main profession of people in Windom, Minnesota?

A: Windom is a small farming town, so farming is the main profession of people living there.

Q: Does Windom have any parks? If yes, what activities can people do there?

A: Yes, Windom has many parks including one with a disc golf course where people can enjoy playing golf.

Q: Does the Des Moines River flow through Windom?

A: Yes, the Des Moines River flows through Windom.

Q: What is the popular activity that people do in the Des Moines River in Windom?

A: Some people canoe in the Des Moines River flows through Windom.

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