What is wind power?
Q: What is wind power?
A: Wind power is the conversion of the energy in wind into a more useful form of energy, like electricity.
Q: Is wind power a renewable source of energy?
A: Yes, wind power is a renewable source of energy.
Q: What is the benefit of using wind power as a source of energy?
A: Wind power helps to cut down on the pollution of earth's air.
Q: How much wind power capacity was there in June 2014?
A: Wind power capacity was 336 GW in June 2014.
Q: How much did wind energy production account for total worldwide electricity usage?
A: Wind energy production accounted for about 4% of total worldwide electricity usage.
Q: Which countries extensively use wind power?
A: Wind power is widely used in European countries, and more recently in the United States and Asia.
Q: What was the percentage of electricity generation by wind power in Denmark, Portugal, and Spain in 2012?
A: In 2012 wind power accounted for approximately 30% of electricity generation in Denmark, 20% in Portugal and 18% in Spain.