Where is Bernau bei Berlin located?

Q: Where is Bernau bei Berlin located?

A: Bernau bei Berlin is located about 10 km (6.2 mi) northeast of Berlin.

Q: When was a railway line opened in Bernau bei Berlin?

A: A railway line was opened in Bernau bei Berlin in 1842.

Q: What is the Berlin S-Bahn?

A: The Berlin S-Bahn is a suburban railway system in Berlin, Germany.

Q: When was one of the first electrical suburban railway lines in the world opened in Bernau bei Berlin?

A: One of the first electrical suburban railway lines in the world was opened in Bernau bei Berlin in 1924.

Q: What is the Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (ADGB)?

A: The Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (ADGB) is the General German Confederation of Trade Unions.

Q: When did the ADGB open its school in Bernau bei Berlin?

A: The ADGB opened its school in Bernau bei Berlin in 1930.

Q: What is the Waldsiedlung?

A: The Waldsiedlung is a district of Bernau bei Berlin where the political leaders of the GDR lived isolated from the people.

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