Who painted the oil painting of Willem Coymans?
Q: Who painted the oil painting of Willem Coymans?
A: Frans Hals painted the oil painting of Willem Coymans.
Q: When was the painting of Willem Coymans created?
A: The painting of Willem Coymans was created in 1645.
Q: What are the dimensions of the painting of Willem Coymans?
A: The painting of Willem Coymans measures 77 by 64 centimetres (30 by 25 inches).
Q: Where can the painting of Willem Coymans be found?
A: The painting of Willem Coymans can be found in the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.
Q: What is unique about the way Frans Hals portrayed his subjects?
A: Frans Hals consistently depicted his subjects seated sideways with their arms hooked casually over the backs of their chairs.
Q: How does Willem Coymans appear in the painting?
A: Willem Coymans appears as an elegant dandy who is proud of his expensive clothes, wearing an embroidered jacket and a pom-pom on his hat which is pushed forward rakishly.
Q: What elements of the painting demonstrate Frans Hals' skill with a paintbrush?
A: The gold embroidery and crisply pleated shirt-sleeve in the painting demonstrate Frans Hals' skill with a paintbrush.