Where is Wiggensbach located?

Q: Where is Wiggensbach located?

A: Wiggensbach is located in Bavaria, Germany.

Q: How far is Wiggensbach from Kempten?

A: Wiggensbach is about 7 kilometres (4.3 miles) west of Kempten.

Q: What are the neighboring municipalities of Wiggensbach?

A: The neighboring municipalities of Wiggensbach are Altusried in the north and Buchenberg in the south of the village.

Q: What are the districts of Wiggensbach?

A: The districts of Wiggensbach are Ermengerst and Westenried.

Q: How high above sea level is Wiggensbach located?

A: Wiggensbach is located between 870 and 1,077 metres (2,854 and 3,533 feet) above sea level.

Q: Which village is considered the main village in Wiggensbach?

A: Wiggensbach is considered the main village in Wiggensbach.

Q: Which village in France is twinned with Wiggensbach?

A: Hattstatt in France is twinned with Wiggensbach, and the 20th anniversary of the partnership was celebrated in 2003.

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