Where is Wheathampstead located?
Q: Where is Wheathampstead located?
A: Wheathampstead is located north of St Albans, in Hertfordshire.
Q: What is the administrative division that Wheathampstead is a part of?
A: Wheathampstead is a part of the City and District of St Albans.
Q: What is the parliamentary constituency of Wheathampstead?
A: The parliamentary constituency of Wheathampstead is Hitchin and Harpenden.
Q: What river runs through Wheathampstead?
A: The River Lea, a tributary of the Thames, runs through Wheathampstead.
Q: What was the population of Wheathampstead during the 2001 census?
A: The population of Wheathampstead during the 2001 census was 6,058.
Q: Is Wheathampstead only a village or does it have civil parish status as well?
A: Wheathampstead is both a village and has civil parish status.
Q: Is Wheathampstead located to the south of St Albans?
A: No, Wheathampstead is located to the north of St Albans.