Where is Weston-super-Mare located?
Q: Where is Weston-super-Mare located?
A: Weston-super-Mare is a sea-side town located in Somerset, England.
Q: How far is Weston-super-Mare from the city of Bristol?
A: Weston-super-Mare is 18 miles (29 km) away from the city of Bristol.
Q: What are the names of the suburbs in Weston-super-Mare?
A: The suburbs in Weston-super-Mare include Oldmixon, West Wick, and Worle.
Q: What is the popular tourist destination in Weston-super-Mare?
A: The beach in Weston-super-Mare is a popular tourist destination.
Q: Does Weston-super-Mare have any museums?
A: Yes, Weston-super-Mare has many museums.
Q: What is one of the attractions in Weston-super-Mare?
A: One of the attractions in Weston-super-Mare is the pier.
Q: What is another name for Weston-super-Mare?
A: Weston-super-Mare is sometimes known as just Weston.