Where is the West Edmonton Mall located?

Q: Where is the West Edmonton Mall located?

A: The West Edmonton Mall is located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Q: What is the West Edmonton Mall?

A: The West Edmonton Mall is the second-largest shopping centre in North America and the fourth largest in the world.

Q: When did the West Edmonton Mall first open?

A: The West Edmonton Mall first opened on September 15, 1981.

Q: Is the West Edmonton Mall a popular tourist attraction?

A: Yes, the West Edmonton Mall is one of the main tourist attractions in Alberta.

Q: What makes the West Edmonton Mall unique?

A: The West Edmonton Mall is known for its size and the wide range of entertainment options it offers, such as an indoor amusement park, water park, and ice rink.

Q: What is the significance of the West Edmonton Mall's size?

A: The West Edmonton Mall's size makes it a major shopping and entertainment destination, attracting both local residents and tourists from around the world.

Q: How does the West Edmonton Mall compare in size to other shopping centres?

A: The West Edmonton Mall is the second-largest shopping centre in North America and the fourth largest in the world, making it a significant player in the global retail industry.

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