What is a water turbine?

Q: What is a water turbine?

A: A water turbine is a type of rotary engine that captures energy from moving water.

Q: When were water turbines developed?

A: Water turbines were developed in the 19th century.

Q: What were water turbines widely used for before electrical grids were introduced?

A: Water turbines were widely used for industrial power before electrical grids were introduced.

Q: For what purpose are water turbines mostly used today?

A: Water turbines are mostly used today for electric power generation.

Q: Why is the energy harnessed by water turbines considered a clean and renewable energy source?

A: The energy harnessed by water turbines is considered clean and renewable because it comes from moving water, which is a natural and constantly replenished resource.

Q: What is the advantage of using water turbines over other forms of energy generation?

A: The advantage of using water turbines is that they harness a clean and renewable energy source, which reduces dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to a greener energy mix.

Q: What is meant by the term "rotary engine"?

A: The term "rotary engine" refers to an engine that converts energy into rotary motion, which is rotational movement around an axis.

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