What is a water bird?

Q: What is a water bird?

A: A water bird is a bird that lives on or around water.

Q: What types of birds fall under the category of water birds?

A: Water fowl, sea birds, wading birds and shore birds all fall under the category of water birds.

Q: Why is the term "water bird" useful in conservation biology?

A: The term "water bird" is useful in conservation biology because it identifies birds that either live in or depend on bodies of water or wetland areas.

Q: What is the difference between sea birds and shore birds?

A: Sea birds live on or near the ocean, while shore birds inhabit the area between the high and low tide marks along the shoreline.

Q: Can water birds survive in environments that don't have water bodies or wetlands?

A: Some water birds may be able to survive in non-water environments, but most are adapted to aquatic life and need water to survive.

Q: How do water birds obtain food?

A: Water birds obtain their food by swimming, wading or diving for aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.

Q: Are water birds important for the ecosystem?

A: Yes, water birds play an important role in the ecosystem as they contribute to the food chain and also help in the dispersal of seeds and nutrients in wetland areas.

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