Where is Watarru located?

Q: Where is Watarru located?

A: Watarru is an Aboriginal community located in the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in South Australia.

Q: What is the distance between Alice Springs and Watarru?

A: Watarru is about 550 kilometres (340 mi) south-west of Alice Springs.

Q: How can Watarru be accessed?

A: Watarru can be accessed by road from the Stuart Highway over roughly 650 km (400 mi) dirt road.

Q: What is the nearest neighbouring settlement to Watarru?

A: The nearest neighbouring settlement to Watarru is Pipalyatjara, located about 110 km (68 mi) to the northeast.

Q: How many people were living in Watarru during the 2001 census, and what was the Indigenous Australian population percentage?

A: There were 56 people living at Watarru in the 2001 census, with 82.1% of those being Indigenous Australians.

Q: What was the initial purpose of the village of Watarru?

A: The village of Watarru was established as a small family outstation.

Q: What is the Watarru Indigenous Protected Area, and who manages it?

A: The Watarru Indigenous Protected Area is an area that surrounds the town for more than 13,948 square kilometres (5,385 sq mi), and it is owned and managed by the community.

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