What was the WannaCry ransomware attack?

Q: What was the WannaCry ransomware attack?

A: The WannaCry ransomware attack was a worm that infected many windows computers around the world in May 2017.

Q: What did the malware do to the user's computer data?

A: The malware scrambled the user's computer data into meaningless information.

Q: What did the affected users have to do?

A: The affected users had to pay $300 Bitcoin within 3 days or $600 Bitcoin within 7 days before all of the affected computer's data is destroyed.

Q: What was the consequence of not paying the ransom?

A: If the ransom wasn't paid, all of the affected computer's data would be destroyed.

Q: How much did it cost the world to fix the servers and computers?

A: The malware had cost the world millions to billions of dollars to fix their servers and computers.

Q: Was the WannaCry ransomware attack successful?

A: The WannaCry ransomware attack was successful in infecting many computers and causing significant damage globally.

Q: When did the WannaCry ransomware attack occur?

A: The WannaCry ransomware attack occurred in May 2017.

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