Who was Walter Slezak?

Q: Who was Walter Slezak?

A: Walter Slezak was an Austrian television and movie actor who appeared in many movies.

Q: What kind of roles did Slezak mostly play?

A: Slezak mostly played villains or thugs, most notably the German U-boat captain in Alfred Hitchcock's movie Lifeboat (1944).

Q: Did Slezak ever play lighter roles?

A: Yes, occasionally Slezak got to play lighter roles, as in The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm (1962).

Q: In which film did Slezak play a cheerfully corrupt and philosophical private detective?

A: Slezak played a cheerfully corrupt and philosophical private detective in the film noir Born to Kill (1947).

Q: What award did Slezak win in 1955?

A: Slezak won a Tony Award in 1955.

Q: When and where was Slezak born?

A: Slezak was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary on May 3, 1902.

Q: How did Slezak die?

A: Slezak died on April 21, 1983 after he shot himself in his home in Flower Hill, New York.

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