Where is Waltenhofen located?
Q: Where is Waltenhofen located?
A: Waltenhofen is located in the district of Oberallgäu in Bavaria, Germany.
Q: When was Memhölz incorporated into Waltenhofen?
A: Memhölz was incorporated into Waltenhofen on January 1, 1972.
Q: What other municipalities were added to Waltenhofen after Memhölz?
A: Niedersonthofen was added on January 1, 1976, and Martin im Allgäu was added on April 1, 1976.
Q: Who has been the mayor of Waltenhofen since 2006?
A: The mayor of Waltenhofen since 2006 has been Eckhard Harscher.
Q: Is Waltenhofen an independent municipality?
A: Yes, Waltenhofen is an independent municipality in the district of Oberallgäu.
Q: When was Martin im Allgäu added to Waltenhofen?
A: Martin im Allgäu was added to Waltenhofen on April 1, 1976.
Q: What is the district of Oberallgäu?
A: The district of Oberallgäu is a district located in the Bavarian region of Germany.