Where is Wakulla County located?

Q: Where is Wakulla County located?

A: Wakulla County is located in the U.S. state of Florida.

Q: How many people lived in Wakulla County as of 2000?

A: As of 2000, 22,863 people lived in Wakulla County.

Q: What was the U.S. Census Bureau 2005 estimate for the population of Wakulla County?

A: The U.S. Census Bureau 2005 estimate for the population of Wakulla County was 28,212 people.

Q: What is the county seat of Wakulla County?

A: The county seat of Wakulla County is Crawfordville.

Q: What metropolitan area is Wakulla County part of?

A: Wakulla County is part of the Tallahassee, Florida, Metropolitan Statistical Area.

Q: How many people lived in Wakulla County according to the U.S. Census Bureau 2005 estimate?

A: The U.S. Census Bureau 2005 estimate for the population of Wakulla County was 28,212 people.

Q: What is the population of Wakulla County?

A: The population of Wakulla County is not stated in the given text.

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