What is Wakame?
Q: What is Wakame?
A: Wakame is a type of kelp.
Q: Where does it come from?
A: Wakame is native to cold temperate coastal areas of Japan, Korea and China, but recently it has also spread to France, Britain, Spain, Italy, Argentina and Australia.
Q: How is it used?
A: It is often used in miso soup and salads. In Korea it is called miyeok and used in salads or as the main ingredient in miyeok soup. In China it is called qundaicai.
Q: Is Wakame an invasive species?
A: Yes, in New Zealand Undaria pinnatifida (the scientific name for wakame) is a very serious weed and one of the 100 worst invasive species in the world. It was first seen in Wellington Harbour in 1987 and has since spread around much of south-eastern New Zealand and as far north as Auckland.
Q: How did Wakame get to New Zealand?
A: It probably arrived accidentally on ships from Asia during the late 1980s through ballast water.
Q: How does Wakame spread?
A: Undaria spreads in two ways - naturally through millions of microscopic spores released by each fertile plant; and attached to vessel hulls and marine farming equipment.