Who is Wadj-wer?
Q: Who is Wadj-wer?
A: Wadj-wer is an Egyptian god of fertility, sometimes depicted as being part male and part female.
Q: What does Wadj-wer symbolize?
A: Wadj-wer symbolizes the richness of the waters of the Nile delta and is seen as the personification of the Mediterranean Sea or some of the big lakes in the Nile Delta.
Q: What items is Wadj-wer often depicted holding?
A: Wadj-wer is often shown holding an ankh and a loaf.
Q: In what form is Wadj-wer sometimes depicted?
A: Wadj-wer is sometimes depicted as being part male and part female.
Q: What is the meaning of the name "Wadj-wer"?
A: "Wadj-wer" means "Great Blue-Green".
Q: What does Wadj-wer's pregnancy symbolize?
A: Wadj-wer's pregnancy symbolizes the fertility of the land that surrounds the Nile delta.
Q: What is the significance of Wadj-wer's role as the personification of the Mediterranean Sea?
A: Wadj-wer's role as the personification of the Mediterranean Sea highlights the importance of the sea to the people of ancient Egypt, particularly in terms of commerce and trade.