What is the geographic location of Vratsa Province?

Q: What is the geographic location of Vratsa Province?

A: The geographic location of Vratsa Province is between the Danube in the north and Stara Planina mountain in the south, with coordinates of 43°31′N 23°36′E / 43.517°N 23.600°E.

Q: What is the capital city of Vratsa Province?

A: The capital city of Vratsa Province is also named Vratsa.

Q: What is Vrachanski Balkan Natural Park?

A: Vrachanski Balkan Natural Park is a park located in Vratsa Province.

Q: What is Ledenika?

A: Ledenika is a cave located in Vratsa Province.

Q: What can tourists do in Vratsa Province?

A: Tourists can visit Vrachanski Balkan Natural Park and the cave Ledenika in Vratsa Province.

Q: What is the significance of the Danube and Stara Planina mountain in relation to Vratsa Province?

A: The Danube is located in the north of Vratsa Province and Stara Planina mountain is located in the south.

Q: What is the province in Bulgaria that is called Vratsa Province?

A: The province in Bulgaria that is called Vratsa Province is the subject of this text.

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