What is a volcanic crater?
Q: What is a volcanic crater?
A: A volcanic crater is a circular depression in the ground caused by volcanic activity.
Q: What is the shape of a volcanic crater?
A: It is usually a circular basin.
Q: What kind of materials come out of the vent of a volcanic crater?
A: From the vent of a volcanic crater, magma erupts as gases, lava and ejecta.
Q: What is the maximum size of a crater?
A: A crater can be huge.
Q: Is it possible for an area above the magma chamber to subside?
A: Yes, during certain types of gigantic eruptions, the volcano's magma chamber may empty enough for an area above it to subside.
Q: What is a caldera?
A: A caldera is a dropped surface crater that occurs during certain types of gigantic eruptions.
Q: What is the shape of a caldera?
A: A caldera is circular in shape.