Where is Viterbo located?

Q: Where is Viterbo located?

A: Viterbo is located in the Lazio region of Central Italy.

Q: What is Viterbo's status in Italy?

A: Viterbo is the capital of the province of Viterbo.

Q: Is there a university in Viterbo?

A: Yes, the University of Tuscia is located in Viterbo and was established in 1979.

Q: When was the University of Tuscia established?

A: The University of Tuscia was established in 1979.

Q: What region of Italy is Viterbo in?

A: Viterbo is in the Lazio region of Central Italy.

Q: What is Viterbo known for?

A: Viterbo is known as a very old city and the capital of the province of Viterbo.

Q: What is the name of Viterbo's province?

A: The name of Viterbo's province is Viterbo.

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