What is a ventilator?

Q: What is a ventilator?

A: A ventilator is a machine that moves air in and out of the lungs of a patient in order to help them breathe.

Q: When is a ventilator used?

A: A ventilator is used when a patient cannot breathe on their own or breathe properly.

Q: What is the function of a ventilator?

A: The function of a ventilator is to artificially move air in and out of the lungs of a patient who cannot breathe on their own.

Q: Can a ventilator be used for anesthesia?

A: Yes, some ventilators can also be used in order to give patients anesthesia and can be part of an anesthetic machine.

Q: Who needs a ventilator?

A: Patients who cannot breathe on their own or breathe properly may need a ventilator.

Q: How does a ventilator help a patient breathe?

A: A ventilator moves air in and out of the lungs of a patient in order to help them breathe.

Q: What is an anesthetic machine?

A: An anesthetic machine is a machine used to administer anesthesia to patients, some of which may include a ventilator as part of the machine.

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