Where is Večići located?

Q: Where is Večići located?

A: Večići is a village in the Kotor Varoš Municipality in central Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Q: What is the population of Večići in 2013 and what is their ethnicity?

A: The population of Večići in 2013 was 797, and all of them are Bosniaks.

Q: What is the geographical location of Večići’s field?

A: Večići’s field is nearby the mouth of Cvrcka in the Vrbanja river.

Q: What happened to Večići during the Bosnian War?

A: During the Bosnian War, Večići was a pocket of Bosniak resistance against the Bosnian Serb Army and Police forces, resulting in severe damages to the village including the destruction of the village mosque.

Q: Who is Madelyn Iris and what did she observe in Večići?

A: Madelyn Iris is an anthropologist who observed that "No home had been left undamaged, and no extended family had been left entirely intact" in Večići.

Q: What happened to some of the villagers of Večići during the war?

A: Some of the villagers died in a massacre at nearby Grabovica in November 1992 and 150-200 men and boys were killed in the village school.

Q: What is the current situation regarding missing persons from Večići?

A: As of 2017, the people who were killed in the village school are still on the list of missing persons.

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