What is Vaupés Department?

Q: What is Vaupés Department?

A: Vaupés Department is a department located in Colombia.

Q: What is the capital of Vaupés Department?

A: The capital of Vaupés Department is Mitú.

Q: Which country does Vaupés Department border on the east?

A: Vaupés Department borders Brazil on the east.

Q: How is Vaupés Department connected with the rest of the country?

A: Vaupés Department has no roads connecting it with the rest of the country, but it has main rivers and air travel which are used for commerce and contact with the outside world.

Q: How do people travel within Vaupés Department?

A: People mainly travel within Vaupés Department through travel along the main rivers and by means of air travel.

Q: Do the small settlements in Vaupés Department have airports?

A: Yes, several of the small settlements in Vaupés Department have airstrips with service to the department's capital, Mitú.

Q: What unique feature does Vaupés Department have because of its location in the Amazon jungle?

A: Because of its location in the Amazon jungle, Vaupés Department has no roads connecting it with the rest of the country or internally from settlement to settlement, making travel along main rivers and air travel the main form of transportation.

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