Where is Bembridge located?

Q: Where is Bembridge located?

A: Bembridge is a village on the Isle of Wight.

Q: Which direction is Bembridge the farthest from?

A: Bembridge is the village which is farthest to the east on the island.

Q: What was the population of Bembridge according to the 2001 census?

A: According to the 2001 census of the United Kingdom, Bembridge had a population of 3,848.

Q: Has anyone claimed that Bembridge has the biggest population of any village in the United Kingdom?

A: Yes, some people have claimed that Bembridge has the biggest population of any village in the United Kingdom.

Q: Who are commonly found living in Bembridge?

A: Many of the most rich people who live on the Isle of Wight live in Bembridge.

Q: Is Bembridge a small or large village?

A: Bembridge is a relatively large village, with a population of 3,848 according to the 2001 census.

Q: What is unique or notable about Bembridge's population?

A: The fact that Bembridge has such a large population for a village has drawn attention and some claims that it has the largest village population in the United Kingdom.

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