Where is Vallées-en-Champagne located?
Q: Where is Vallées-en-Champagne located?
A: Vallées-en-Champagne is located in the Aisne department of northern France.
Q: When was Vallées-en-Champagne established?
A: Vallées-en-Champagne was established on January 1, 2016.
Q: How many former communes make up Vallées-en-Champagne?
A: Vallées-en-Champagne consists of three former communes, Baulne-en-Brie, La Chapelle-Monthodon, and Saint-Agnan.
Q: Which former commune is home to the town hall of Vallées-en-Champagne?
A: The town hall of Vallées-en-Champagne is located in Baulne-en-Brie.
Q: Is Vallées-en-Champagne a city or a commune?
A: Vallées-en-Champagne is a commune.
Q: How would you describe the geography of Vallées-en-Champagne?
A: The text does not provide information on the geography of Vallées-en-Champagne.
Q: What is the population of Vallées-en-Champagne?
A: The text does not provide information on the population of Vallées-en-Champagne.