What is Vâlcea County?
Q: What is Vâlcea County?
A: Vâlcea County is a county (judeţ) of Romania.
Q: Where is Vâlcea County found?
A: Vâlcea County can be found in the historical regions of Oltenia and Muntenia.
Q: What is the capital of Vâlcea County?
A: The capital of Vâlcea County is Râmnicu Vâlcea.
Q: How is Oltenia and Muntenia separated?
A: Oltenia and Muntenia are separated by the Olt River.
Q: Can Vâlcea be spelled differently?
A: Yes, Vâlcea can also be spelled as Vîlcea.
Q: What is the IPA for Vâlcea pronunciation?
A: The IPA for Vâlcea pronunciation is ['vɨl.ʧea].
Q: What is the meaning of judeţ?
A: Judeţ means county in English.