What is the V-2 rocket?

Q: What is the V-2 rocket?

A: The V-2 rocket was the world's first ballistic missile and the first human object to fly in space.

Q: When was the first successful launch of the V-2 rocket?

A: The first successful launch was from Peenemünde on 3 October, 1942.

Q: Why was the V-2 rocket designed by Nazis?

A: The V-2 rocket was designed by Nazis to bomb London, Antwerp and other European cities.

Q: Was it easy to shoot down the V-2 rocket?

A: No, it was impossible to shoot down the V-2 rocket because it travelled at four times the speed of sound.

Q: How many V-2s were used by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets in World War II?

A: Over 3,000 V-2s were used by the German Wehrmacht against Allied targets in World War II.

Q: Who used captured V-2 rockets to start their space and missile programs?

A: The victors of World War II used captured V-2 rockets to start their space and missile programs.

Q: Who helped the US to develop their rocket program?

A: The team of German rocket scientists from Peenemünde, led by Wernher von Braun, helped the US to develop their rocket program.

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