Where is Uzlomac located?
Q: Where is Uzlomac located?
A: Uzlomac is located in Central Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Q: What is the direction of Uzlomac?
A: Uzlomac stretches in southeast-northwest direction.
Q: What is the maximum altitude of Uzlomac?
A: The maximum altitude of Uzlomac is 1,018 metres (3,340 ft).
Q: Which rivers rise on Uzlomac?
A: Many tributaries of Vrbanja river, Usora and Ukrina rise on Uzlomac.
Q: Uzlomac is located east of which direction?
A: Uzlomac is located east of the line direction Maslovare – Vrbanjci – Kotor Varoš – Čelinac.
Q: Which areas does Uzlomac stretch through?
A: Uzlomac stretches through the mountainous area, from Kruševica river to Jošavka.
Q: Which confluences do the tributaries of Vrbas and Bosna rise on Uzlomac join?
A: The tributaries of Vrbas and Bosna (river) confluences are joined by the tributaries of Vrbanja river, Usora and Ukrina that rise on Uzlomac.