Who are Uzbeks?
Q: Who are Uzbeks?
A: Uzbeks are an ethnic group that mainly live in Central Asian countries.
Q: Where do Uzbeks live?
A: Uzbeks are the majority of people living in Uzbekistan. They are a minority group in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, and China.
Q: What language do Uzbeks speak?
A: Uzbeks speak Uzbek language, which belongs to the Turkic language family.
Q: What is the Turkic language family?
A: The Turkic language family is a group of related languages that are spoken primarily in Central Asia and parts of Europe and Asia.
Q: Are Uzbeks a minority or a majority in Kazakhstan?
A: Uzbeks are a minority group in Kazakhstan.
Q: What other countries besides Uzbekistan have a majority of Uzbeks?
A: None. Only Uzbekistan has a majority of Uzbeks.
Q: Who are Uzbeks a minority group in?
A: Uzbeks are a minority group in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Russia, and China.