What is the usage share of web browsers?

Q: What is the usage share of web browsers?

A: The usage share of web browsers is the percentage (%) of viewers at a group of websites who use a particular web browser.

Q: What does it mean when Google Chrome has 64% usage share?

A: When it is said that Google Chrome has 64% usage share (May 2022), it means that all versions of Chrome (including the related Chromium) are used by 64 of every 100 visitors who visit a given set of websites.

Q: Which web browser has a very low usage share?

A: Internet Explorer has a very low usage share even though it was very popular before.

Q: Why has Internet Explorer's usage share dropped significantly?

A: Internet Explorer's usage share has dropped significantly because of its poor security track record and being replaced.

Q: Which web browser has replaced Internet Explorer?

A: The web browser that has replaced Internet Explorer is not specified in this text.

Q: Can web browsers have multiple versions?

A: Yes, web browsers like Google Chrome can have multiple versions.

Q: Does the usage share of web browsers vary based on the group of websites being viewed?

A: Yes, the usage share of web browsers may vary based on the group of websites being viewed.

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