What is a bellows?
Q: What is a bellows?
A: A bellows is a device that blows air into a small opening to make something work.
Q: What does a bellows have in it?
A: A bellows has a kind of sack which contains air.
Q: What happens when a bellows sack is squeezed?
A: When a bellows sack is squeezed, the air is pushed out.
Q: What are some examples of bellows that are small and operated by hand?
A: Bellows that are small and operated by hand include those used for stoking a fire in an open fireplace.
Q: What are some examples of large bellows that are powered by electricity?
A: Large bellows that are powered by electricity are those used to produce air for a large pipe organ to be played.
Q: What are some of the uses of bellows for blacksmiths or metalworkers?
A: Bellows are used by blacksmiths or metalworkers for smelting and welding.
Q: What are some small musical instruments that use bellows?
A: Small musical instruments that use bellows include bagpipes, accordions, and concertinas.