What is the meaning of the name Uriel?
Q: What is the meaning of the name Uriel?
A: The name Uriel means “God is my light” or “fire of God”.
Q: Who is Uriel?
A: Uriel is an archangel in Jewish and Christian traditions.
Q: What do the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and Anglicans call Uriel?
A: They call him “Saint Uriel the Archangel” or simply “Saint Uriel”.
Q: What is the significance of the name Uriel in religious traditions?
A: Uriel’s name signifies the presence of divine light and the power of God.
Q: In which religious traditions is Uriel considered an important figure?
A: Uriel is considered an important figure in both Jewish and Christian traditions.
Q: What is the role of Uriel in religious mythology?
A: Uriel is often associated with wisdom, knowledge and judgment, and is said to be a guide to those seeking the truth.
Q: What is the origin of the name Uriel?
A: The name Uriel is of Hebrew origin.