What is an uppercut in boxing?

Q: What is an uppercut in boxing?

A: An uppercut in boxing is a punch that usually aims for an opponent's chin.

Q: What is another name for an uppercut in German?

A: Another name for an uppercut in German is Kinnhaken.

Q: Why is the expression "hook to the chin" not used in technical language?

A: The expression "hook to the chin" is not used in technical language because as a rule one calls a "hook" a punch from the side with the lead hand, and almost always the chin is the target of punches.

Q: How is an uppercut achieved in boxing?

A: An uppercut is achieved by lifting your right or left hand and attempting to hit the opponent's chin.

Q: What part of the opponent's body is usually the target of an uppercut?

A: The opponent's chin is usually the target of an uppercut.

Q: Can an uppercut be thrown with either hand?

A: Yes, an uppercut can be thrown with either the right or left hand.

Q: Is an uppercut a common punch in boxing?

A: Yes, an uppercut is a common punch in boxing.

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