What type of school is Upper Canada College?
Q: What type of school is Upper Canada College?
A: Upper Canada College is a private lower grades and high school for boys in Toronto, Canada.
Q: What program do students at Upper Canada College study under?
A: Students between senior kindergarten and grade twelve study under the International Baccalaureate program.
Q: How old is Upper Canada College?
A: Upper Canada College was founded in 1829, making it the oldest independent school in the province of Ontario, and the third oldest in the country.
Q: What is the reputation of Upper Canada College?
A: Upper Canada College is described as a prestigious preparatory school in Canada, having many of Canada's prominent graduates. It has maintained a good reputation from its founding.
Q: What is the history of Upper Canada College modeled on?
A: Upper Canada College is modeled on the British public school system.
Q: Who is the official visitor to Upper Canada College?
A: Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is the college's Official Visitor, and a member of the Board of Governors.
Q: Has Upper Canada College become more diverse over time?
A: Yes, today, UCC is fully independent and the students and faculty are more diverse in terms of cultural and economic backgrounds.