What is the Universität Mainz?

Q: What is the Universität Mainz?

A: The Universität Mainz is a university located in Mainz, Germany.

Q: When was the Universität Mainz founded?

A: The Universität Mainz was founded in the year 1477.

Q: How many students were enrolled in the Universität Mainz in 2012?

A: In 2012, there were more than 36,000 students enrolled in the Universität Mainz.

Q: How many faculties does the University of Mainz have?

A: The University of Mainz has ten faculties.

Q: What is the abbreviation for Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz?

A: The abbreviation for Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz is JGU.

Q: Where is the Universität Mainz located?

A: The Universität Mainz is located in Mainz, Germany.

Q: What are the fields of study offered by the Universität Mainz?

A: The fields of study offered by the Universität Mainz are organized into ten faculties.

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