What is ultraviolet?

Q: What is ultraviolet?

A: Ultraviolet is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans cannot see because it has a short wavelength and high frequency. It is beyond the visible violet light in terms of frequency, wavelength, and energy, with wavelengths ranging from 10 nanometers to 400 nanometers.

Q: What does UV stand for?

A: UV stands for ultraviolet, mainly used in technical contexts.

Q: Are there any animals that can see ultraviolet light?

A: Yes, some insects, reptiles, crocodiles, salamanders, and small birds can see things that reflect this light.

Q: How are frequency and wavelength related?

A: Frequency and wavelength are closely related; the equation ν = c/λ shows this relationship. Saying something has a short wavelength is the same as saying it has a high frequency.

Q: What range do ultraviolet wavelengths fall into?

A: Ultraviolet wavelengths range from 10 nanometers to 400 nanometers.

Q: Is ultraviolet visible to humans?

A: No, humans cannot see light of such short wavelength or high frequency so ultraviolet is not visible to us.

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