What is UDFj-39546284?
Q: What is UDFj-39546284?
A: UDFj-39546284 is a stellar structure, probably a galaxy that was detected through infrared observation.
Q: When was UDFj-39546284 reported?
A: UDFj-39546284 was reported on January 27, 2011.
Q: How was UDFj-39546284 detected?
A: UDFj-39546284 was detected through infrared observation by the Hubble Space Telescope.
Q: What is the redshift of UDFj-39546284?
A: The redshift of UDFj-39546284 is 11.9.
Q: How old is UDFj-39546284?
A: UDFj-39546284 existed as we see it 13.42 billion years ago, around 380 million years after the Big Bang.
Q: What is the significance of UDFj-39546284?
A: At the time of its discovery, UDFj-39546284 was the oldest galaxy found, offering information from early after the Big Bang.
Q: Has UDFj-39546284 been spectroscopically confirmed?
A: No, unlike UDFy-38135539, UDFj-39546284 has not been spectroscopically confirmed.