Who employs civilian firefighters at military bases in the United States?
Q: Who employs civilian firefighters at military bases in the United States?
A: The United States Department of Defense employs civilian firefighters at military bases in the United States.
Q: Are these civilian firefighters part of any military unit?
A: No, they are not part of any military unit.
Q: Do civilian firefighters work alone or with military units?
A: They will work alongside military units if needed.
Q: What type of uniforms and equipment do civilian firefighters have?
A: Civilian firefighters have their own uniforms and equipment, usually a dark blue suit with a badge and a shoulder patch indicating their firefighting organization.
Q: How do firefighters learn their firefighting skills?
A: Firefighters go to special classes to learn firefighting skills.
Q: Do firefighters receive certificates after taking classes?
A: Yes, firefighters earn certificates after taking classes.
Q: What is the name of one major class firefighters take?
A: One major class that firefighters take is called "DoD Fire & Emergency Services Training."