What is Turriff?

Q: What is Turriff?

A: Turriff is a town and parish located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

Q: How high is Turriff above sea level?

A: Turriff is approximately 166 feet above sea level.

Q: What is Turriff known as in the local dialect?

A: Turriff is known as Turra in the Doric dialect of Scots.

Q: What does the name Turriff mean in Scottish Gaelic?

A: The name Turriff appears to be Scottish Gaelic in origin, and can mean either a mound or round hill (from "torr") or a tower (from "tur").

Q: What does "torr" mean in Scottish Gaelic?

A: "Torr" in Scottish Gaelic can mean a mound or round hill.

Q: What does "tur" mean in Scottish Gaelic?

A: "Tur" in Scottish Gaelic can mean a tower.

Q: Is Turriff located in Scotland?

A: Yes, Turriff is located in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

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