Where does the Turkish Van come from?
Q: Where does the Turkish Van come from?
A: The Turkish Van comes from Turkey.
Q: How long has the Turkish Van lived in the Lake Van area of Turkey?
A: The Turkish Van has lived in the Lake Van area of Turkey for hundreds of years.
Q: Why is the Turkish Van named the Turkish Van?
A: The Turkish Van is named the Turkish Van because it comes from the Lake Van area of Turkey.
Q: What is the climate like in the Lake Van area of Turkey?
A: The Lake Van area of Turkey has long, cold winters and hot summers.
Q: How has the Turkish Van adapted to the climate in the Lake Van area of Turkey?
A: The Turkish Van has adapted to the climate in the Lake Van area of Turkey by developing a thick, full fur coat in the winter and shedding in the summer to become a short-haired cat. It also swims in the summer to cool itself off and the thin summer coat dries quickly.
Q: What is unique about the coat of the Turkish Van?
A: The coat of the Turkish Van is thick and full in the winter but thin and short in the summer.
Q: How does the Turkish Van cool itself off in the summer?
A: The Turkish Van cools itself off in the summer by swimming.