Where is Tumby Bay located?

Q: Where is Tumby Bay located?

A: Tumby Bay is located on the east coast of Eyre Peninsula in South Australia.

Q: How far is Tumby Bay from Port Lincoln?

A: Tumby Bay is 45 kilometres or 28 miles north of Port Lincoln.

Q: What is the major population centre of District Council of Tumby Bay?

A: The major population centre of District Council of Tumby Bay is Tumby Bay town.

Q: What type of agriculture is practiced in Tumby Bay?

A: Cereal crop farming and sheep farming are practiced in Tumby Bay.

Q: What industries are present in Tumby Bay?

A: Tumby Bay has fishing and tourism industries.

Q: Where is Tumby Bay located in relation to Spencer Gulf?

A: Tumby Bay is located on the Spencer Gulf coast.

Q: What is the importance of Tumby Bay to District Council of Tumby Bay?

A: Tumby Bay is the major population centre of District Council of Tumby Bay.

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