Who was Tullus Hostilius?

Q: Who was Tullus Hostilius?

A: Tullus Hostilius was the legendary third king of Rome who succeeded Numa Pompilius.

Q: How long did Tullus Hostilius rule Rome?

A: Tullus Hostilius ruled Rome from 673 to 642 BC.

Q: What were Tullus Hostilius's characteristics?

A: Unlike his predecessor, Tullus Hostilius was known to be a warlike king.

Q: Who was Hostus Hostilius?

A: Hostus Hostilius was Tullus Hostilius's grandfather, who had fought with Romulus and died during the Sabine invasion of Rome.

Q: What was the nationality of the six Etruscan kings that ruled Rome?

A: The six Etruscan kings that ruled Rome, including Tullus Hostilius, were of Etruscan nationality.

Q: Who succeeded Tullus Hostilius as king of Rome?

A: Ancus Marcius succeeded Tullus Hostilius as king of Rome.

Q: When did Tullus Hostilius become king of Rome?

A: It is not mentioned when Tullus Hostilius became king of Rome in the given text.

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