What are Trypanosomatida?

Q: What are Trypanosomatida?

A: Trypanosomatida are a group of unicellular kinetoplastids with a single flagellum.

Q: Do Trypanosomatida often live as parasites?

A: Yes, Trypanosomatida often live as parasites.

Q: In what organisms do many Trypanosomatida live?

A: Many Trypanosomatida only live in insects.

Q: Can some Trypanosomatida change hosts?

A: Yes, some Trypanosomatida can change hosts.

Q: Where can one form of Trypanosomatida live?

A: One form of Trypanosomatida lives in insects.

Q: Where can the other form of Trypanosomatida live?

A: The other form of Trypanosomatida lives inside a plant or an animal.

Q: Can you give an example of a Trypanosomatida that changes hosts?

A: Leishmania is a common example of a Trypanosomatida that changes hosts.

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