How many administrative units does Pakistan have?

Q: How many administrative units does Pakistan have?

A: Pakistan has five provinces and two territories.

Q: What is Pakistan's position geographically speaking?

A: Pakistan is a country in Asia.

Q: What is the name of the disputed region administered by Pakistan?

A: The disputed region administered by Pakistan is called Kashmir.

Q: How is the Kashmir region divided between Pakistan and India?

A: Pakistan administers part of Kashmir while the rest is administered by India.

Q: How many separate areas is the part of Kashmir administered by Pakistan divided into?

A: The part of Kashmir administered by Pakistan is divided into two separate areas.

Q: What is the name of the areas in Kashmir administered by Pakistan?

A: The areas in Kashmir administered by Pakistan are not specified in the text.

Q: What type of units are the territories in Pakistan?

A: The territories in Pakistan are administrative units. - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3