What is Tripureswar?

Q: What is Tripureswar?

A: Tripureswar is a village located in central Nepal's Bagmati Zone.

Q: What is the population of Tripureswar?

A: According to the 1991 Nepal census, Tripureswar had a population of 2707.

Q: How many houses are there in Tripureswar?

A: There are 497 houses in Tripureswar.

Q: Which is the biggest river that passes from Tripureswar?

A: The biggest river of the Dhading District, Netrawati river, passes from Tripureswar.

Q: In which district is Tripureswar located?

A: Tripureswar is located in the Dhading District in the Bagmati Zone of central Nepal.

Q: What is the significance of Tripureswar's location?

A: Tripureswar's location is significant because it is situated near the Netrawati river, which is the biggest river in the Dhading District.

Q: Is Tripureswar an urban or rural area?

A: Tripureswar is a rural village in the Dhading District of Nepal.

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