What is the meaning of the word 'treble'?
Q: What is the meaning of the word 'treble'?
A: Treble is a term used, especially in British English, to describe the singing voice of a boy or girl.
Q: How long can a boy sing treble before his voice breaks?
A: A boy can sing treble until he reaches puberty, at which point his voice range will go down and he will become a tenor, baritone or bass.
Q: How does a girl's voice change when she reaches puberty?
A: When she reaches puberty, a girl's voice changes but it is more gradual than with boys and still within the soprano or alto range.
Q: At what age do boys usually start training their voices for church choirs?
A: Boys who join cathedral choirs or large church choirs typically start training their voices at 7-8 years old and may only have four to five years before their voices break.
Q: Did Aled Jones become famous as a soloist?
A: The Welsh treble Aled Jones became very famous for about three years and made many recordings before his voice broke in 1987; however, boys who join church choirs usually don't become famous as soloists.
Q: Is it common for children to sing in opera?
A: It is not common for children to sing in opera; however, occasionally a treble may be used for the part of a very small boy such as in Debussy’s opera Pélléas et Mélisande.
Q: What type of music do children typically use their trebles for?
A: Children typically use their trebles for Classical Music style, especially church music.