Where is Behak Maken located?

Q: Where is Behak Maken located?

A: Behak Maken is a village located in the Sargodha District of the Punjab province of Pakistan.

Q: How far is Behak Maken from Sargodha city?

A: Behak Maken is 17.5 km away from Sargodha city.

Q: How far is Behak Maken from Dhreema?

A: Behak Maken is 10 km away from Dhreema.

Q: Why was an air base built near Behak Maken?

A: The British Royal Air Force built an air base between Chak No 92 NB and Chak No 105 NB (Godhay wala) nearby due to its geographical location.

Q: Who took on greater importance after the Independence of Pakistan for the Pakistan Air Force?

A: The air base near Behak Maken took on greater importance after the Independence of Pakistan for the Pakistan Air Force.

Q: Which caste or clan does approximately 75% of the population in Behak Maken belong to?

A: Approximately 75% of the population of Behak Maken belongs to the Maken caste or clan of this region.

Q: How did the population of Behak Maken grow?

A: The population of Behak Maken grew rapidly due to the increasing importance of the air base and other developments in the region.

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