What is a trademark?
Q: What is a trademark?
A: A trademark is a way for a business to help people identify the products that the business makes from the products made by another business.
Q: What are the elements of a trademark?
A: The elements of a trademark are a name, word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or picture.
Q: How can a business use a trademark?
A: A business can only use a trademark on things made by the business that owns the trademark.
Q: What is an example of a trademarked name for a certain drink?
A: An example of a trademarked name for a certain drink is Coca-Cola and Coke made by the Coca-Cola Company.
Q: Can other businesses use a trademarked name for their products?
A: No, other businesses cannot use trademarked names or any names similar to them, but they can make similar products under a different name.
Q: What is an example of a trademark for Nike products?
A: The "swoosh" symbol used on Nike products is a trademark.
Q: How are famous trademarks like Coca-Cola and Nike used?
A: Famous trademarks like Coca-Cola and Nike are used for branding whole families of products.