What is a tower house?

Q: What is a tower house?

A: A tower house is a tower that has been built for two purposes: First, it has been built so that it is easy to defend, and secondly, it serves as living quarters.

Q: When did tower houses first appear?

A: Tower houses first appeared in the Middle Ages, in mountainous or limited access areas.

Q: Why were tower houses built in mountainous or limited access areas?

A: They were built there to both command and defend strategic points with a small force.

Q: Were tower houses also used as residences?

A: Yes, they were also used as an aristocrat's residence.

Q: What was constructed around tower houses very often?

A: Very often, a castle town was constructed around these houses.

Q: What are the two main purposes of building a tower house?

A: The two main purposes of building a tower house are: First, it has been built so that it is easy to defend, and secondly, it serves as living quarters.

Q: Where were tower houses commonly built?

A: Tower houses were commonly built in mountainous or limited access areas to command and defend strategic points with a small force.

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